show me th$$ Headlines:: Couple finds 300k , theres too keep if unclaimed,in water proof container,might be drug smugglers booty, film at eleven, damming unsurmountable evidence in the trial of century ,details at 11- 8.1.08 seems the news media is not the only indifference atttude abounding.whitch headlines would you click on to read first in the hypothetical, if you subscribe to the for, your among the major, i would presume.Why does america turn a blind eye? MABEY because of the threat of personal affliction or the possibilty of it, or they dont liking to the care of enough travails in just surviving with, [ THERE DAILYGRIND, of an econimic depression /tyranical state of emergency/hitlerrest justice/ what next marshal law to uphhold fascism? pile on more please im still hungry. WWW.AFTERDOWNINGSTREET.COMthe story;The Murder of JFK and 9/11 "Coincidences"
Submitted by apparition on Fri, 2008-08-08 20:59.
Media Team
We have been lied to.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy had some dangerous enemies.
JFK knew about the CIA's cocaine trafficking business. He promised the agency that if they did not clean up the drug problem then he would.
JFK knew that George Herbert Walker Bush was using his Zapata Oil's off shore oil drills (a new technology in those days) to avoid US customs search and smuggle vast amounts of cocaine across the US border. He also promised to cast the CIA to the "thousand winds".
JFK refused to provide air support for Bush's "Bay of Pigs". The two ships were named the "Zapata" and "Barbara", after Bush's oil company and his wife.
JFK refused to support Bush's "Operation Northwoods", a "false flag" attack against Cuba which would have killed innocent American citizens.
George HW Bush is the one of the few over the age of 52 who claim not to remember where they were on November 22nd, 1963, yet there is a photo of Bush standing in front of the school book depository building taken shortly after JFK's murder.
JFK promised to rid our Republic of the criminal Federal Reserve, illegal Income Tax and return America to the gold and silver standard, making him a mortal enemy to Zionist Central Bank elements.
JFK refused to support Israel's nuclear weapons development, making him an enemy to Zionist Israel elements.
JFK knew about the UFO/Alien problem and was preparing to reveal the truth about the subject to the American public. He was the last president to be completely briefed about it.
Over 50 witnesses who were close enough to JFK's limousine to witness JFK's murder all "coincidentally" died within 6 months after JFK's murder.
If the Zapruder film is closely watched, Lee Harvey Oswald can be seen standing in the doorway of a movie theater seconds before JFK's limousine was in shooting range of the school book depository.
JFK was brutally murdered on the 11th month, 22nd day and on the 33rd parallel, multiples of the pagan number "11".
There was even more suspicious activity that day. Much more.
Now, lets fast forward 38 years shall we? Bear with me here, OK?
What really happened on September 11th, 2001 is crucial because it was the foundation/excuse for a fascist, totaltarian police state.
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." (George W Bush, December 18, 2000 - 12:00 p.m. ET, CNN transcript, "Bush Meets With Congressional Leaders on Capitol Hill".
The “Bush administration’s” version of what happened on 9/11 is clearly a ridiculous lie, Bush's son consistently obstructs any meaningful investigations of it, the Solomon Brothers Building did not implode by itself, Newtonian Physics did not take a leave of absence that day and evidence from the crime scene was deliberately destroyed.
Who had the motive, means and opportunity to commit the crime of the century and who has benefited, politically and financially?
There is only one “government” on this planet with access (through spying) to the protocols, logistics and moles necessary to infiltrate the most restricted airspace/air defense digital network systems on the planet four separate times in one day with complete impunity and murderous enough to ally itself with murderous “neoconservative” liars.
Now consider the following numerological "coincidences":
New York City has 11 letters in it. New York was the 11th state to join the Union. 9/11/01 was the 254th day of the year with 111 days left in the year. 2+5+4 = 11. The date of the attack: 9/11 = 9+1+1 = 11. The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11. Flight 77 is a multiple of 11. "Afghanistan" has 11 letters. "The Pentagon" has 11 letters. The Twin Towers standing side by side, looked like the number 11. Twin Towers = 11 + Flight 11 + September, 11th = 33.
These brazen Zionist calling cards (including the murder of JFK) are not a "coincidence".
They were deliberately left behind to demonstrate the Zionist's disdain for the common man's lack of intelligence.
Why are multiples of "11" so important to them?
There are 11 bones in the human "Skull", 22 "Bones" in the human ribcage and 33 Vertibrae in the human spinal column. This shoud provide a clue about who "they" are and the kind of occult they worship.
The same elements who murdered JFK have now destroyed our Republic and caused Americans nothing but grief ever since Bush's swaggering, drunken manchild was appointed president in the 2000 coup d'etat.
My old Physics Professor once told a story about a clumsy tourist who visits Paris France, climbs up the Eiffel Tower and falls to ground without getting a scratch. That's luck. He climbs the Tower again, falls again and still survives without getting a scratch. That's a coincidence. The hapless stooge climbs the Tower yet again and the same thing happens a third time.
That is a HABIT.
We have been lied to.
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